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Last updated: Tue Nov 18 15:34:23 PST 2014

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    Assembly Language Functions and Procedures


    To learn how to write functions and procedures in Assembly Language, along with an understanding of how to pass parameters to functions and procedures in Assembly Language, and returning values from functions and procedures in Assembly Language.


    Working with functions and procedures in Assembly Language is quite similar to how one works with functions and procedures in a high level language. There is the function/procedure name, parameters to pass to the function/procedure, and a return_value from the function/procedure if there is one.

    Parameters can be passed to functions/procedures by_value or by_reference. Global variables in the program can also be accessed by functions and procedures. In assembly language, parameters whether they are passed by_value or by_reference can be passed with the value or reference in a register or pushed onto the stack. It is considered good practice with passing the data in registers for 64 bit architectures rather than passing on the stack for consideration of not worrying about performance issues when the stack values are not lined up on 64 bit memory bus boundaries. All examples are done with NASM.

  1. by_value::= passing of actual variable values as parameters, this is acceptable for atomic data types such as integers, and floating point, not advised for structures, classes, or arrays.

  2. by_reference::= passing of pointers or memory location reference of a variable as a parameter. This is perhaps the best approach for any and all data types.

  3. stack::= similar to the stack data structure found in high level programming languages. In Assembly Language, the stack keeps an activation_record or a stack_frame, and can hold parameter values whether they are passed by_value or by_reference.

  4. return_value::=

  5. activation_record::= record keeping of local variables in a procedure, parameters passed to the procedure, and return address of calling code. This is also called the stack_frame, and sometimes also called the call stack.

  6. stack_frame::= See activation_record.

  7. examples::= procedures and functions with: no_parameters_no_return_value | parameters_no_return_values | no_parameters_has_return_value | has_parameters_has_return_value

  8. no_parameters_no_return_value::= no_param_no_return_val_32bit | no_param_no_return_val_64bit

  9. no_param_no_return_val_32bit::= a sample function that takes on no parameters and has no return value. This is the equivalent of a C/C++ function that returns a void and has no parameters.

          ...                 ; code before the call
          call some_function  ; call some_function
          ...                 ; code after the call
          ...                 ; code after the call
          mov eax, ret_val    ; main should have a return value, in place of whatever ret_val is
          ret                 ; return from your main
     some_function:           ; some_function label (in MASM, you would use some_function  proc, with some_function  endp after the code block)
          ...                 ; do code for function here
          ret                 ; return from the function back to the calling code

  10. no_param_no_return_val_64bit::= a sample function that takes on no parameters and has no return value. This is the equivalent of a C/C++ function that returns a void and has no parameters.

          ...                 ; code before the call
          call some_function  ; call some_function
          ...                 ; code after the call
          ...                 ; code after the call
          mov rax, ret_val    ; main should have a return value, in place of whatever ret_val is
          ret                 ; return from your main
     some_function:           ; some_function label (in MASM, you would use some_function  proc, with some_function  endp after the code block)
          ...                 ; do code for function here
          ret                 ; return from the function back to the calling code

  11. parameters_no_return_values::= has_params_no_return_val_32bit | has_params_on_stack_no_return_val_32bit | has_params_no_return_val_64bit | has_params_on_stack_no_return_val_64bit

  12. has_params_no_return_val_32bit::= a sample function that takes on parameters both by_value and by_reference in the example and has no return value. This is the equivalent of a C/C++ function that returns a void and has parameters.

     section .data
     some_val    dd    5
     some_val2   dd    6
     result      dd    0
     ret_val     dd    0
     section .text
     global main
          mov eax, some_val   ; this example has some_val being passed by value in eax register
          lea esi, [some_val2]; esi contains the pointer to some_val2, being passed by reference
          lea edi, [result]   ; edi contains the pointer to variable named result, passed by reference
          call some_function  ; call some_function
          ...                 ; code after the call
          ...                 ; code after the call
          mov eax, ret_val    ; main should have a return value, in place of whatever ret_val is
          ret                 ; return from your main
     some_function:           ; some_function label (in MASM, you would use some_function  proc, with some_function  endp after the code block)
          add eax, [esi]      ; get the content pointed by esi, and add it to eax, this is: eax = eax + &esi in a C/C++ way of things
          mov [edi], eax      ; store value of eax in memory location pointed by edi.
          ret                 ; return from the function back to the calling code

  13. has_params_on_stack_no_return_val_32bit::= a sample function that takes on parameters being pushed onto the stack both by_value and by_reference in the example and has no return value. This is the equivalent of a C/C++ function that returns a void and has parameters.

     section .data
     some_val    dd    5
     some_val2   dd    6
     sum         dd    0
     ret_val     dd    0
     section .text
     global main
          mov eax, [some_val] ; load [some_val] value into eax
          push eax            ; this example has some_val being passed by value pushed on the stack
          lea eax, [some_val2]; esi contains the pointer to some_val2, being passed by reference
          push eax            ; push memory address pointed by esi onto stack
          lea eax, [sum]      ; edi contains the pointer to variable named result, passed by reference
          push eax            ; push memory address pointed by edi onto stack
          call some_function  ; call some_function
          add esp, 12         ; 12 bytes were pushed on stack, readjust stack pointer to remove them
          mov eax, ret_val    ; main should have a return value, in place of whatever ret_val is
          ret                 ; return from your main
     some_function:           ; some_function label (in MASM, you would use some_function  proc, with some_function  endp after the code block)
          push ebp            ; set up stack frame
          mov ebp, esp        ; ebp points to the stack pointer
          mov eax, [ebp+16]   ; [ebp+12] contains the value of eax passed on the stack
          mov esi, [ebp+12]   ; esi points to memory address of second parameter
          mov edi, [ebp+8]    ; edi points to memory address of third parameter
          add eax, [esi]      ; add eax to value pointed by esi
          mov [edi], eax      ; store value of eax in memory location pointed by [edi].
          pop ebp             ; restore old base pointer
          ret                 ; return from the function back to the calling code

  14. has_params_no_return_val_64bit::= a sample function that takes on parameters both by_value and by_reference in the example and has no return value. This is the equivalent of a C/C++ function that returns a void and has parameters.

     section .data
     some_val    dq    5
     some_val2   dq    6
     sum         dq    0
     ret_val     dq    0
     section .text
     global main
         mov rbp, rsp; for correct debugging
         mov rax, [some_val] ; this example has some_val being passed by value in rax register
         lea rsi, [some_val2]; esi contains the pointer to some_val2, being passed by reference
         lea rdi, [sum]      ; edi contains the pointer to variable named result, passed by reference
         call some_function  ; call some_function
         mov rax, ret_val    ; main should have a return value, in place of whatever ret_val is
         ret                 ; return from your main
     some_function:          ; some_function label (in MASM, you would use some_function  proc, with some_function  endp after the code block)
         add rax, [rsi]      ; get the content pointed by rsi, and add it to rax, this is: rax = rax + &rsi in a C/C++ way of things
         mov [rdi], rax      ; store value of rax in memory location pointed by rdi.
         ret                 ; return from the function back to the calling code

  15. has_params_on_stack_no_return_val_64bit::= a sample function that takes on parameters being pushed onto the stack both by_value and by_reference in the example and has no return value. This is the equivalent of a C/C++ function that returns a void and has parameters.

     section .data
     some_val    dq    5
     some_val2   dq    6
     sum         dq    0
     ret_val     dq    0
     section .text
     global main
         mov rax, [some_val]
         push rax            ; this example has some_val being passed by value pushed on the stack
         lea rax, [some_val2]; rax contains the pointer to some_val2, being passed by reference
         push rax            ; push memory address pointed by rax onto stack
         lea rax, [sum]      ; rax contains the pointer to variable named result, passed by reference
         push rax            ; push memory address pointed by rax onto stack
         call some_function  ; call some_function
         add rsp, 24         ; clear out the stack, we pushed 24 bytes onto stack, adding 24 to rsp "pops" the 24 bytes off stack
         mov rax, ret_val    ; main should have a return value, in place of whatever ret_val is
         ret                 ; return from your main
     some_function:          ; some_function label (in MASM, you would use some_function  proc, with some_function  endp after the code block)
         push rbp
         mov rbp, rsp
         mov rax, [rbp+32]   ; [rbp+32] contains the value of rax passed on the stack
         mov rsi, [rbp+24]   ; [rbp+24] contains the value of second parameter pointer passed on the stack
         mov rdi, [rbp+16]   ; [rbp+16] contains the value of third parameter pointer passed on the stack
         add rax, [rsi]      ; add content of [rsi] to rax
         mov [rdi], rax      ; store value of rax in memory location pointed by [rdi].
         pop rbp
         ret                 ; return from the function back to the calling code

  16. no_parameters_has_return_value::= no_param_has_return_val_32bit | no_param_has_return_val_64bit

  17. no_param_has_return_val_32bit::= a sample function that takes on no parameters and has return value. This is the equivalent of a C/C++ function that returns an integer and has no parameters.

          ...                 ; code before the call
          call some_function  ; call some_function
          ...                 ; code after the call
          ...                 ; code after the call
          mov eax, ret_val    ; main should have a return value, in place of whatever ret_val is
          ret                 ; return from your main
     some_function:           ; some_function label (in MASM, you would use some_function  proc, with some_function  endp after the code block)
          ...                 ; do code for function here
          mov eax, a_ret_val  ; returns a_ret_val as the return value
          ret                 ; return from the function back to the calling code

  18. no_param_has_return_val_64bit::= a sample function that takes on no parameters and has return value. This is the equivalent of a C/C++ function that returns an integer and has no parameters.

          ...                 ; code before the call
          call some_function  ; call some_function
          ...                 ; code after the call
          ...                 ; code after the call
          mov rax, ret_val    ; main should have a return value, in place of whatever ret_val is
          ret                 ; return from your main
     some_function:           ; some_function label (in MASM, you would use some_function  proc, with some_function  endp after the code block)
          ...                 ; do code for function here
          mov rax, a_ret_val  ; returns a_ret_val as the return value
          ret                 ; return from the function back to the calling code

  19. has_parameters_has_return_value::= has_params_has_return_val_32bit | has_params_on_stack_has_return_val_32bit | has_params_has_return_val_64bit | has_params_on_stack_has_return_val_64bit

  20. has_params_has_return_val_32bit::= a sample function that takes on parameters both by_value and by_reference in the example and has an integer return value. This is the equivalent of a C/C++ function that returns an integer and has parameters.

          ...                 ; code before the call
          mov eax, some_val   ; this example has some_val being passed by value in eax register
          lea esi, [some_val2]; esi contains the pointer to some_val2, being passed by reference
          lea edi, [result]   ; edi contains the pointer to variable named result, passed by reference
          call some_function  ; call some_function
          ...                 ; code after the call
          ...                 ; code after the call
          mov eax, ret_val    ; main should have a return value, in place of whatever ret_val is
          ret                 ; return from your main
     some_function:           ; some_function label (in MASM, you would use some_function  proc, with some_function  endp after the code block)
          add eax, [esi]      ; get the content pointed by esi, and add it to eax, this is: eax = eax + &esi in a C/C++ way of things
          ret                 ; return from the function back to the calling code, eax is the return value

  21. has_params_on_stack_has_return_val_32bit::= a sample function that takes on parameters being pushed onto the stack both by_value and by_reference in the example and has a return value. This is the equivalent of a C/C++ function that returns an integer and has parameters.

          ...                 ; code before the call
          push some_val       ; this example has some_val being passed by value pushed on the stack
          lea esi, [some_val2]; esi contains the pointer to some_val2, being passed by reference
          push esi            ; push memory address pointed by esi onto stack
          lea edi, [result]   ; edi contains the pointer to variable named result, passed by reference
          push edi            ; push memory address pointed by edi onto stack
          call some_function  ; call some_function
          ...                 ; code after the call, you have the corresponding pops from the above pushes here IF the function does not
                              ; remove them. It is important to have functions be documented as to how they behave and do any clean up
          ...                 ; code after the call
          mov eax, ret_val    ; main should have a return value, in place of whatever ret_val is
          ret                 ; return from your main
     some_function:           ; some_function label (in MASM, you would use some_function  proc, with some_function  endp after the code block)
          mov eax, [ebp+12]   ; [ebp+12] contains the value of eax passed on the stack
          add eax, [ebp+8]    ; add content of [ebp+8] to eax, and content of eax is returned to calling code as return value
          ret                 ; return from the function back to the calling code

  22. has_params_has_return_val_64bit::= a sample function that takes on parameters both by_value and by_reference in the example and has no return value. This is the equivalent of a C/C++ function that returns a void and has parameters.

          ...                 ; code before the call
          mov rax, some_val   ; this example has some_val being passed by value in rax register
          lea rsi, [some_val2]; esi contains the pointer to some_val2, being passed by reference
          lea rdi, [result]   ; edi contains the pointer to variable named result, passed by reference
          call some_function  ; call some_function
          ...                 ; code after the call
          ...                 ; code after the call
          mov rax, ret_val    ; main should have a return value, in place of whatever ret_val is
          ret                 ; return from your main
     some_function:           ; some_function label (in MASM, you would use some_function  proc, with some_function  endp after the code block)
          add rax, [rsi]      ; get the content pointed by rsi, and add it to rax, this is: rax = rax + &rsi in a C/C++ way of things
          ret                 ; return from the function back to the calling code, with return value in rax

  23. has_params_on_stack_has_return_val_64bit::= a sample function that takes on parameters being pushed onto the stack both by_value and by_reference in the example and has no return value. This is the equivalent of a C/C++ function that returns a void and has parameters.

          ...                 ; code before the call
          push some_val       ; this example has some_val being passed by value pushed on the stack
          lea rsi, [some_val2]; rsi contains the pointer to some_val2, being passed by reference
          push rsi            ; push memory address pointed by rsi onto stack
          lea rdi, [result]   ; rdi contains the pointer to variable named result, passed by reference
          push rdi            ; push memory address pointed by rdi onto stack
          call some_function  ; call some_function
          ...                 ; code after the call, you have the corresponding pops from the above pushes here IF the function does not
                              ; remove them. It is important to have functions be documented as to how they behave and do any clean up
          ...                 ; code after the call
          mov rax, ret_val    ; main should have a return value, in place of whatever ret_val is
          ret                 ; return from your main
     some_function:           ; some_function label (in MASM, you would use some_function  proc, with some_function  endp after the code block)
          mov rax, [rbp+24]   ; [rbp+24] contains the value of rax passed on the stack
          add rax, [rbp+16]   ; add content of [rbp+16] to rax
          ret                 ; return from the function back to the calling code, with return value in  rax

    . . . . . . . . . ( end of section Assembly Language Functions and Procedures) <<Contents | Index>>

Formulae and Definitions in Alphabetical Order