.Open Riverside City College Courses .Open Fall 2015 . CSC 5 - Fundamentals of Programming Logic Using C++ .Box CSC 5, Section 48988, Lecture: Monday / Wednesday 7:45AM - 9:10AM; Lab: 9:30AM - 10:55AM; both in BE-208 .See rcc.csc5.FA15.48988.html CSC 5, Section 48987, Lecture: Monday / Wednesday 2:20PM - 3:45PM; Lab: 4:05PM - 5:30PM; both in BE-200 .See rcc.csc5.FA15.48987.html CSC 5 Assignments: Homework assignments can be found at: .See rcc.csc5.FA15.assignments.html CSC 5 Notes / Code Snippets: Notes (caution, this is a work in progress, some broken links may be encountered): .See rcc.csc5.notes.html Useful code snippets: .See rcc.csc5.code.html Useful links: .Box Want to visually see various algorithms in action? Visit: .See http://visualgo.net . Online Flowchart and Diagramming Tools Want to try an online flowchart/diagramming tools? .Box Gliffy: .See http://gliffy.com Draw.io: .See http://draw.io .Close.Box Want some potentially challenging mathematics/computer science problems to try? Visit: .See http://projecteuler.net .Close.Box .Close.Box . CIS 1A - Intro to Comp Info Sys .Box CIS 1A, Section 48956, Lecture: Monday / Wednesday 11:10AM - 12:35PM in BE-100; Lab: TBA in MLK .See rcc.cis1a.FA15.48956.html .Close.Box . CSC 18A - Java Programming: Objects .Box CSC 18A, Section 48984, Lecture: Thursday 6:00PM - 9:10PM in BE-104; Lab: TBA in MLK .See rcc.csc18a.FA15.48984.html .Close.Box . Announcement for 09/12/2015 I have completed most of the restructuring of the site that I wanted to do. The major change you may notice will be that there are several pages in the format of: rcc.{course}.FA15.assignments.html with: {course} = { csc5 | cis1a | csc18a } For those of you still getting a grasp of my notation, | means "or". The next part of working on my course pages, is to include a dictionary/glossary of any terms that we may introduce in class (I did this with my Assembly Language class in the past, and just have to fix the Linux bash shell scripts to do it correctly again). . Announcement for 09/11/2015 - Site Restructure Over the weekend, I am planning on restructuring the pages, to help make it easier to find items such as assignments, and make it easier for me to find files as well (file naming convention changes); so if you have been bookmarking certain pages, the bookmarks may not work anymore. The best page to bookmark is this page, as it will remain unchanged in the restructuring. .Close Fall 2015 .Close Riverside City College Courses